Visitor Emails A Message from Greg... Hi everyone, and thanks for stopping by! Over the past several months, I've received some truly wonderful and inspiring emails from guys who have visited my web page. Many of you have confided in me, sharing your thoughts and concerns about your particular situation. Many of you have sought my opinion about various topics or programs, and I have tried to provide you with honest, straight-forward answers to your questions. I have to tell you, I am deeply moved by the trust that you have chosen to instill within me. Your praise and support continues to motivate me to test new programs, learn more about the science behind penis enlargement, alert you of new scams I find and to constantly improve my web page. My ongoing goal is to provide you with the real truth and facts about penis enlargement. I'd sincerely like to thank everyone for visiting my web page and for sending me emails! But the reason why I just created this Vistor Email page is to let you know that you're not alone. I have to tell you, I am absolutely amazed by the number of emails I receive each day. These are emails from regular guys, just like you and me, who are looking for a way to increase the size of their penis or to help overcome their sexual or erectile problems. Many of these are from guys who are embarrassed and feel totally alone. These guys don't have anyone else they can turn to for advice with their situation - so that's why I added this page. I want all of you to see that you're not alone. These are common problems for a lot of men, and together we can help each other find the answers to our problems. We all realize that penis enlargement can be a very embarrassing topic, which is why I believe that this web page has been so helpful for so many. For most people, penis enlargement is not something that you want to discuss while you're sitting around the dinner table. Most guys are too ashamed to discuss it with their closest friends or lovers for that matter! It's amazing how a small penis can create such deep feelings of inadequacy, especially in sexual situations, or in rest rooms or shower rooms. Believe me, I know how nervous and embarrassed I used to feel in those situations. But by providing you with this web page, and by allowing you to send me questions anonymously via email, I want you to realize that this is a place where you can turn for advice without fear of embarrassment or judgment. I want you to know that you're not alone, and that there is hope for you! The programs I mention have worked extremely well for me. Heck, they've pretty much changed my entire life! I no longer feel so inadequate or insecure. I'm much more comfortable around women, especially when I'm in bed with them. My sexual performance has greatly improved and my confidence has increased 1,000 percent! Frankly, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders! And let me tell you, there's no reason why you don't deserve to feel the same way too. You should have no reason to feel inferior to other men. You should have no reason to feel inadequate in bed. You should have no reason to be ashamed of the size of your penis. Not in this day and age - not when there's a safe, simple solution. So again, that's why I created this visitor email page. I want you to know that you're not alone and that I'm here to help you in any way I can. I sincerely hope that the emails below will inspire you to take action towards improving your life. Like I've mentioned before, don't be like me and wait almost 20 years before you decide to do something. If you're not 100% satisfied with your penis size or with your sex life, then do something about it. You're not alone in this. I've done it successfully and so have many of the people who have emailed me already. Well, I hope I've done a good job of inspiring you. If not, then please view the emails below that I've received over the past 2 months. I think they're great. And if you would like to tell me about your experiences (and possibly have your email posted here), then please feel free to email me by clicking here right now. I promise that your identity will remain totally anonymous. I sincerely hope that these actual, unedited emails will inspire you to take control and invest in something that can make an unbelievable difference in your life. You owe it to yourself. I hope you enjoy it! Visitor Emails Hi Greg, "I read you web page and decided to sign up with Massive Member and in less than 10 days I had gained a 1/2 inch in length and it seemed to be a little wider and harder. Very surprised, and I'm not even doing it exactly like they say. Sometimes I miss a day here or there. In any case thanks." Orlando Greg, "You are the man! I can't believe that you have taken the time to do something like posting this info on a web site. The idea has been with me since I was 13. I always wished I was as big or bigger than a porn star. I thought to myself, 'they couldn't have been born that way.' Now I have info that can lead to a much happier sex life for me & my girl. I wanted to Thank You from the bottom of my heart for sharing this info. If I have the same results or anything near that, I will definitely let you know." Thanks Again, T.M., Pennsylvania Greg, "First of all I want to thank you for responding to this email. I bought the massive member membership. I have been using it for three days now. I find it pretty neat and very cool exercises. I knew about some of the exercises already execpt this site gives better versions which keep it interesting. After a session I am like WOW!!!! ...I know when I used to Jelq before and hid it from my wife, she would be like what are you doing you are bigger now. I would play it off of course..HEHEHEHEHE Hopefully with these new variations I can keep the gains permanently...I will keep you posted on my progress and gains. I hope to be one of the success stories on your website and if you don't mind you could post it so other people can enjoy the same thing for themselves. One question though. If all these techniques work as on massive members ! web site, why don't doctors or physcians tell their patients about this stuff. Do Doctors think it is all nonsense. Especially the part about gaining like 3-4 inches and possibly 1 inch in girth!!!! Well getting long winded now. I will email you some more as I think of new things to ask. I will subscribe to your news letter and look forward to reading the articles. Well thanks again and thanks for everything you have done for those of us interested in enlarging our penis." V/R, Scott Greg, "Several months ago I signed up for your newsletter. You have been great about returning my emails and I thank you for that. I have been doing the routine since Sept 15th and want to show the world. I recently sent in for something called Lxxxxxxxxx which is an herbal suppliment to compliment my workout. No real results yet...............but the MassiveMember workout is giving me the Manlyhood I've always wanted. No longer (pun) will I be afraid to urinate in public. It's funny how my life has changed. I can't wear briefs any longer because it's too confining. I had my wife buy me more boxers. Thanks for your continued support." Michael Greg, "I wrote you about a month ago regarding the length of time for the exercises and I just did a short exercise every day. I just wanted you to know that since the last time I emailed you (jun 22-thats when i started), i've gained 3/4 of an inch in length. I can't believe how great this has worked. And even with short workouts every day. I'm very impressed with my gains and just thought that I'd tell you that if it weren't for you site, this would have never happened. Thanks Greg!" Jim Dear Greg, "Many thanks for your excellent advice regarding a good program. I just enrolled with Massivemember.com and am really impressed with their program as you said. I had previously been using (XXXXXX) since last June, and I am much happier with this program. I don't know what results I'll get yet, but after two days it is a big improvement. Again, thanks and best of luck to you." Appreciatively, Fred Dear Greg "I've been hanging out for your reply and it is deeply reassuring that you took the trouble to reply carefully and conscientiously to my shot in the dark (that's what it felt like). ...By the way, one week into the program I've increased by 1/4 of an inch. At this rate, I'll have a 9" cock before Christmas!" All the best. Peter Hey Greg, "How are you? I hope all is fine. I've been faithfully working out with the exercises everyday without fail. I'm glad to inform you that after just twelve days of "doing it correctly" I've begun to notice some difference although it's just a small improvement... it's happening this time! :) Hehehe, I'm not the only one who noticed the improvement! Would you mind if I periodically inform you of my progress? You're like my inspiration so it feels kindda cool sharing my progress with you. Well, anyway take care and thanks." Best Regards, Wilson Greg, "After looking all the programs over I decided you were right and bought Massive Member and in two week I have growth, 3/4" in length and 1/2" in girth thats erect and its more flaccid, so as far as I am concerned you are right. I would also like to let them know how happy I am with the program and my growth so far but don't know where to address the e-mail or letters to let them know. Hope you can help me. Thanks for writing your information and helping others so we don't have to do what you did." Thankfully, and Hoping Jim W. Dear Greg, "Please enroll me in your news letter. You started me with Massivemember the end of October, and I have been impressed with the program. Also, your new internet program is excellent. Keep up the good work." Sincerely, Fred "Please add me to your mailing list as I have found your site to be most helpful & professional and it has helped me make what I hope will turn out to be a good buying decision." Regards Ewen Hey Greg, "You were not alone. I too have been recently scouring the Internet in search of a program that really work as far as enlarging your penis. I happened upon the website Massive Member and like you, was very close to purchasing the program and then backing out in the last minute. Now, because of your straightforward, unbias article, I believe I will give Massive Member a try. You're right, there were no other places on the Internet you could go to find other peoples experience with some of the programs...until now. I do not know how much you invested in purchasing the various programs and trying them out but I would like to thank you for taking the time to create this web page to inform and enlighten us guys on true penis enlargement programs and what it can do for you. Once I purchase and try Penile Secrets, I will let you know of the results. Hopefully I will have just a good a result to report as you did in about a few weeks as I plan to purchase it this weekend. Once again, thanks for the article and the peace of mind that I am not alone." Hi Greg, "(I) just ordered the massive-member manual. I have just looked over the manual, it sounds impressive. I ordered on your comments about it. I hope I can email you in time and say thanks for the advice. Time will tell. Later" Hi Greg, "I order the massive-member manual 3 weeks ago based on your comments. So for it is working good. I am half inch bigger than before already and so I wanted to say thanks for the advice." "I'm finally glad i found someone with information. I've been searching around for a while and just as you said all the programs sounded the same and claimed to be the best. You say that massive member is the best right? How long did it take for you to see results? Was this one of the first sits you tried? also i think the online message board is a good idea." thanks again, john "this is probably the best thing i have heard in a while unlike you i was stupid enough to buy all sorts of pumps and other gadgets they sell for enlargement and let me tell you none has worked. I was to the point when I thought that the only way to increase your size was through surgery until now. I'm glad i read this page and I would like you to e-mail back though be discreet about the topic. I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes by the way i tried this website called (XXXXXX) and i quit in a week because the exercise seem to complicated and took a long time. hit me back." Greg "Thanks for taking the time to respond to my email. on the strength of your recommendation I will try one. If I have similar results to you I would end up average which would be all I need." Thanks again Phil Hi "I want to thank you for spending the time in creating such a detailed and informative website, and I will tell my friends about your website as well." Hello, "I just stumbled upon your site, and it seems you have done most of the work for people like me, and it is helping me make a decision. Thanks for the info and keep up the good work!" Hi Greg, "i read your page and i'm VERY interested in one of these programs. This has really been bothering me this week. I am really too embarrassed and too ashamed to talk about it to anyone. That's the worse thing about it, I'm used to talking about my problems but on this subject, i just can't.. I can use all the support i can get. thanks bye" Kev Hi Greg, "My name is Peter I'm from Australia. Have just found your site and thought I'd write and say that this is a great idea for a site - particularly for genuine people looking for information. I am interested in penis enlargement but i want facts not rip-offs, so to see what you are trying to do in your site is really refreshing. Keep up the good work, I'll continue to visit and sent any info I can that may be of assistance." Cheers - Peter Greg, "I saw your site, and I would first like to commend you on your exellent work. A concise buying guide built on personal experiences is more than helpful. I have a question regarding the different exercises you encountered in your hobby: are there any differences? Did the styles and exercises recommended in one site differ from those mentioned in another? I hope you will answer this question, and keep up the good work." J. B. Greg, "I want to take a minute to thank you for creating such a great and informative site. For what it's worth, I though you did a bang up job on it man. I've personally started the program from penisdevelopement.com (the second one on your list) I've just started so unfortunately I can not report any results at this time (this is my second day). Well, I don't want to be long-winded, but again thank you for creating your site. Cheers" Arn "Thanx alot for reading my email I didnt really think I was going to get a response from you. That means alot. ANYWAY thanx for the advise" Andy Please bookmark this page... and tell your friends! I sincerely hope that my experiences have served to help you in some way. I know I'm not the best writer in the world so I'd really like to thank you for taking the time to read my web page. I invite you to come back often to check for updates and new features. I'm testing new programs on a daily basis and will continue to post my findings on this web page. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding my experiences then I'd love to hear them. Feel free to send me an email by clicking here. If I could ever get any better at using HTML, I'd like to have a discussion board on here where everyone can post their own ideas and share information. Maybe some other stuff too. If you've got any ideas or suggestions about that, please let me know. Thanks and best of luck!Design, layout and content are copyrighted. Any infringements upon my copyrighted material or intellectual property will be prosecuted in both civil and criminal court to the fullest extent of the law. Copyright © 2009 - Present. Truth About Pheromones. All Rights Reserved. All links provided with permission by site owners. |